To import a flow without dashboard installed

I have saved the flows from a running nodered. now i want to import that flow on nodered without dashboard (want to start on dashboard-2) now it say :slight_smile: Error: TypeError: v is undefined
How to correct this ? Or possible to import, even with mystery-empty nodes ?

Or a way to avoid this ? To save a Neutral flow so it import on any node red?

You can import the full flow then delete each unknown nodes (missing dashboard types).

Without the contents of the flow it is difficult to say what generated the error.

@GogoVega I try that ,it import nothing after displaying the error,all empty.

So your flow is corrupted. Where does it come from?

When and where exactly do you see that error?

If you watch the node-red log while you import, what do you see?

Hi @old-grumpy

What version of Node-RED are you importing into?

In theory, any valid flow should import into Node-RED; especially if its one you've exported from another instance and not made any manual modifications.

The error Error: TypeError: v is undefined rings a bell ... I'll see if I can remember where from...

It come from a pi-1 exported it to featherpad then imported it to a linux lapdtop no problem.Now i want to do it on a pi-4 and got this.

Node-RED v4.0.6 fresh installed

Can you share you flow file with me directly so I can investigate? You can email it to There were a number of changes in 4.0.6 around how the editor imports flows - want to ensure this isn't an issue with those changes.

I will mail it ,its a old flow to get the weather from openweathermap but the go supscription :frowning: name "node--weer-oud"


Thanks for sharing your flow. I can confirm this is a regression in 4.0.6 (released yesterday, but not yet announced in case anyone is wondering...)

@GogoVega related to importing a flow with unknown types:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'defaults')
    at Object.importNodes [as import] (red.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:6810:68)
    at Object.importNodes (red.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:27831:42)
    at importNodes (red.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:45130:22)
    at (red.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:44272:33)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (vendor.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:10:176787)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (vendor.js?v=2160f8acfb0f:2:43090)

Mmm will take a look

@old-grumpy, in the meantime you should be able to install the previous version of node-red 4.0.5 by running
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red@4.0.5

Then restart node-red

Ok will try that thanks Colin and GogoVega

OK that worked say imported 27 unrecognized node.

@knolleary, related to inputs/outputs check

OK removed the old dash nodes. now i wonder how to remove the link to the old dash nodes see error i got Flows stopped due to missing node types.
Normaly you solve it by installing the flow but i do not want dashboard.

@old-grumpy if you open the config nodes sidebar on the right of the editor, you should see the ui_group and ui_tab config nodes - showing as 'unknown'. Double click on each one to open the edit dialog and click the delete button to remove it.

Ok that worked great.

I believe that you can also just select the configuration node and hit the Del key.