Personalised Multi User Dashboards with Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 • FlowFuse Webinar

Captura de Pantalla 2024-07-26 a la(s) 09.05.13

Thanks, so looking here you've not installed a User plugin to link your authentication provider - which one are you using?

For the video we showed, we're using the FlowFuse User Addon, which pulls in the authenticated user when running on FlowFuse. You may also need an instance restart if you have installed this, and it's not showing anything.

Others exist too if you're not running on FlowFuse - see more details here.

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I just made a mistake in the image but the plugin is installed. The user is undefined. My application will be offline, only LAN access, therefore I could not use Flowfuse due to the device limit (5 in CE) and not having internet access, Cloudflare and Authelia would not be able to use it. According to the information, without a Data Provider, multi-user would not be possible using only the dashboard.

Thanks @Pepex7, if the devices are offline, how do you plan to authenticate and authorise the user?

If you can find a solution to that problem, then building a plugin to integrate with that auth provider would be fairly straight forward.

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With a local network LAN you should be able to configure and use Authelia, only the installation requires some kind of Internet access as would any other install. And you could download from an Internet connected device, transfer it over your LAN and install manually if necessary.

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Do you have any information on implementation in a LAN network to access via IP:port?

I still haven't found a solution to the authentication problem. So Dashboard doesn't have everything you need to make multi-user dashboards.

You'll need to review the Authelia docs I'm afraid. I don't currently use it.

I've just been adding some extra features for the next release of UIBUILDER (v7) to enable the same msg._client data that D2 has if you install one of the auth plugins.

For this, would I have to implement Authelia anyway?

I have been looking for days at how to implement it but the information is aimed at public access (not on a LAN network)

Dashboard is not an authentication provider. You need to configure your own in order to secure Node-RED.

Dashboard is then built such that you can (a) integrate with that provider and (b) use any user data to build authorisation into your application.

If you're running on LAN, then you could setup/run a self-hosted FlowFuse in your LAN, and that will provide the authentication for you? Although, I think above you've said you're restricted by the 5 device limit? If this is a professional/business use case, I'd suggest looking into our paid options. If its personal, then you will need to build in your own


Yes, as Joe is also saying, neither Dashboard nor UIBUILDER are authentication engines. They both provide some metadata to help ongoing authentication and authorisation decisions but they cannot do the auth themselves and neither can Node-RED.

Use dedicated external tooling for identity management. There are plenty of tools that will do this, Authelia is one. Most tools like Authelia that typically integrate to your reverse proxy setup use similar authentication headers and those are what I've tried to integrate into the next version of UIBUILDER so that they can be used in your flows. D2 has done something similar with its plugins.

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