Pi Keyboard in case of two Keyboards are mounted on Raspberry Pi


I'm Stuck ! My flow manage the input from two Keyboards (actually one is a real keyboard, the second one is a presenter that emulates a set of keyboard keys such ad "page up", "page down", etc).
My flow work perfect if I attach the keyboard or if i attach the presenter, but I neet to work with them attached at same time. The devices work for the Operating System, but only one for Node Red. Only one is used as "Pi Keyboard".

Can you help me to solve this problem?
I started using Node-Red 12 and I tried also Node-Red 18, but the problem persist.

Thanks in advance.

The Pi node code only expects to see one keyboard so is hardcoded for that as it is picking up the low level hardware events from /dev/input/by-path/kbd
so in short you're out of luck with the default node.
I guess some of the USB / HID nodes may work at a higher level but they tend to need the app to have focus - or the PI node source could be modified I guess.

Can you suggest any node that can help in my case? I'm working around using a presenter that emulates a mouse.

I’d look on flows.modered.org for usb or hid nodes.

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