Pico W HiveMQ Cloud and Node Red issue

Totally new to this. I can’t get Node Red to receive MQTT data from HiveMQ Cloud. The Pico W is sending data and I see it in HiveMQ Cloud, but I just can’t seem to connect Node Red to HiveMQ Cloud. I'm using the free account. One thing I see is it is not saving the password I give in on the security tab. I give it the credentials that HiveMQ Cloud gives, and update the info, but if I go back there is a much shorter bunch of **** in the spot for the password and it never connects. The node-red shell says [mqtt in:temperature] missing broker configuration. I don’t know what to give it or how to fix it. What should the server name be?

Hi @badflash and welcome to the forum.

What device are you running Node-red on?

Of course Node-red displays (8) black dots instead of the actual password, I've never seen asterisks, but that might depend on your browser.

You say you can go into the broker setup and update the info, but when you click Update and Done to close the broker dialog, does the red triangle over the node disappear?

Have you clicked Deploy to save your changes?

The server name is a long string of hexadecimal characters followed (in my experience) by .s1.eu.hivemq.cloud

Node-Red is on a windows 11 computer. Where do i get the password? is it autogenerated? Is it the same password I used to connect to the PIco?

Node-Red just says "connecting" under the mqtt object. Node-red command window says "[info] [mqtt-broker:hivemq] Connection failed to broker: mqtts://022c8573d50d4fb48d4e701f106013d0.s1.eu.hivemq.cloud:1883"
Thanks BTW.

No you need to create a user and password in hivemq.com using the Access Management page (as I showed in the pictures above)

The broker's server id is the long URL you just showed us, less mqtts:// and :1883 , but I only got hivemq working in Node-red with port 8883 and ticking Use TLS (also shown in my pictures above)

Now you have told the internet your hivemq URL, it might be wise to delete that and create a new one.

I got it to work!
Here are the steps.
Set up a web client to talk to the Pi Pico with user name and password for the Pico code, and use Connect Client to connect to the Pico.
Next with your user name and password, use Connect with Generated Credentials.
Copy the user name and password it generates along with the Cluster URL and go to Node Red.
Paste the Cluster URL in to the Server field on the connection tab, and the generated user name and password on the security tab. The problem I was having is it sounded like the user name could be anything, or after all my tries I ended up copying the wrong stuff.

Thanks for your help!

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