Hi everyone,
I'm not sure it's the right place to post this
it is basically an HMI SCADA interface created with node-red-contrib-svg (thank you very much for the development of this node!) which acquires data from a SIEMENS S7 PLC via ethernet network and S7 protocol and makes it visible through the node-red-dashboard!
the result of this combination is simply fantastic !:
system description:
OS linux debian buster 10.3 (KDE plasma)
a lot of passion on my part!
I attach the screenshot, obviously I have obscured the logo of my company for obvious reasons.
That is really cool! Congratulations for this very nice usage of our contrib-s7 node.
Did you build some kind of physical HMI for this application? Or the user accesses it by a standard PC Desktop?
Thank you so much for the compliments
first I had thought of integrating everything into a PanelPC IP67 ATEX but it was too expensive in terms of costs to be incurred, then I opted for a different solution, that is a fanless miniPC wifi with remote monitor for the management of the plant, positioned in a safe area. next week I will post a new flow containing the example of full integration with the S7 protocol.