Port connection and receiving a message


I am new to Node-red so it'll be great if someone can advice on this.

I am connected to a device and i need to display the message on the sidebar after establishing a connection to the port of the device.

A simple flow is shown below. How can I proceed from there?

[{"id":"c97454e4.a67ca8","type":"tcp request","z":"e7892a8c.f647f8","server":"localhost","port":"9500","out":"time","splitc":"0","name":"","x":450,"y":120,"wires":[["1eae48a6.fa5c67"]]}]

Take a look at the debug node

There are also some great tutorials online that will introduce you to the fundamentals of Node-RED, such as http://noderedguide.com

Please also wrap your flows in back-ticks or triple back-ticks if you want people to be able to copy them. Thanks.