Problem with node red and gpio

I'm reaching out to you after searching in many places without finding a solution.
I have a Raspberry Pi 2 and a Raspberry Pi 3, both with Node-RED installed, one with 32-bit Raspbian and the other with 64-bit Raspbian, both downloaded from the official Raspberry site.
I installed Node-RED on both Raspberry Pis, but I can't get the GPIO to activate using the Node-RED nodes. I have a relay connected to the Raspberry Pi, connected to the 3V VCC, GND, and the signal to GPIO21 (pin 40). When I send a 0 or a 1, nothing happens, it only changes state in Node-RED, but it is not able to control the GPIO. Any suggestions? Please.

If you raise your question with the NodRED code, others may help you more easily.
I use node-red-contrib-opi-gpio to control ARM board GPIO, and that works.