I have some hickups with the way I try to use the hue magic distrib in node red.
Probably my fault because I'm missing some basic knowledge about how it works?
I have several rooms, in each room I have added a control "section" to control the light.
Furthermore, I have a "Wohnung" flow/tab, that shows the state of the lights in each room.
Example for a room:
The flow for the "Wohnung" overview:
The problem with this is that sometimes only one of both works.
E.g. if I change the light using the hue smartphone app, only "Wohnung" gets updated, or the room.
I noticed this by seeing that e.g. in "BĂĽro" the state was always on, while in "Wohnung" it would update correctly.
Last night I tried mitigating it by manually triggering the light nodes in "Wohnung". Worked.
So I changed the trigger to an interval of 1 second. Ultra big mistake. It nearly instantly killed the node red adapter in IoBroker (with lots of errors in the log). Node red crashed, restarted and turned on all of my lights, I guess it triggered the flows in the rooms. At ~ 3.30am. My GF wasn't too happy
But, I think I figured it out and wanted confirmation from you guys.
See below screenshot.
I used the light node and sent the output to a debug node.
Somehow, only the light node I created last would actually get me an output.
Question: Can I only use ONE node for each light?
I didn't look at the error messages in detail since my heart was pumping trying to prevent my whole appartment to light up... are those light nodes instanced and therefore only one can be used?
Sorry if this sounds complicated