is there more documentation on how to put address on node-omron-read like CIO Memory,...
How should I set an internal boolean variable (I/O Channel) address on FINS read node?
Hi i have just poublised a new node node-red-contrib-omron-fins
It is not on NPM for now but you can install manually from a command line.
If you would like to test it, then you can install as follows...
CD to your actual .node-red
directory then
npm install Steve-Mcl/node-red-contrib-omron-fins
The built in help in the info panel on the side-bar should be enough for you to get by.
Thanks alot. I will test it as soon as possible.
I say its new - its newly published (been using privately for around 1 year) so its fairly stable.
Probably could do with some user interface improvements but should work as is.
Can someone share an example how to use this node?
When I read from the PLC it gives an error "Write not possible, cannot change"
Share your flow and a screenshot please. The node definitely works (I wrote it and use it in a production environment).
Please also state the following...
- mode of plc (run / monitor)
- plc model
- PLC settings including fins node number, fins network number, fins port, the dial settings on the from of plc Ethernet card
Edit. To be 100% sure - you are using this node-red-contrib-omron-fins right?
My PLC is an CJ1M-CPU12
Ip address is - local network = 1
port 9600, node number 16
[{"id":"c5644fc4.0a8e2","type":"FINS Read","z":"82d25bf8.e54bc8","name":"","connection":"d3ed8148.030af","address":"D100","addressType":"str","count":"1","countType":"num","sign":"unsigned","x":400,"y":700,"wires":[["4822c1e.ce21b4"]]},{"id":"1bbe4434.4454bc","type":"inject","z":"82d25bf8.e54bc8","name":"","topic":"msg.connect","payload":"true","payloadType":"bool","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":180,"y":700,"wires":[["c5644fc4.0a8e2"]]},{"id":"d3ed8148.030af","type":"FINS Connection","z":"","name":"Test","host":"","port":"9600","MODE":"CSCJ","ICF":"128","DNA":"16","DA1":"0","DA2":"0","SNA":"1","SA1":"255","SA2":"0"}]
question: Have you setup the routing table (i.e. network 1 is definitely the ETN/EIP card?)
question: what are the 2 node number dials set to on ETN/EIP card?
DNA: 1
DA1: 0
DA2: 0
SNA: 1
SA1: last_octet_of_PC_IP
SA2: 0
and try...
DNA: 0
DA1: decimal-value-of-node-dials-on-ETN/EIP
DA2: 0
SNA: 0
SA1: last_octet_of_PC_IP
SA2: 0
@jaccoit would be nice if you could feedback if this worked (or not) and described what you did for future users.
This is correct?
What is the subnet mask on PLC and PC?
Can you screenshot CX Programmer -> IO Table -> ETN properties (IP TAB and FINS UDP tab)
Ok this was stupid.....
SA1: last_octet_of_PC_IP
I didn't give the right octed of my PC address.
I is working now, thanks a lot.
Would you be kind enough to post a screen shot of your settings and your PLC setup to assist future readers?
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