I want read out tags from a Siemens ET200S CPU, I managed to get the thing working with the Siemens PLCSIM, I can read out data from my program in that case.
When I try to connect to the actual PLC I get a timeout error.
I changed the ip to the PLC's address, port is 102, I tried with 'Rack 0 Slot 2' and 'Rack 0 Slot 1' configs.
I am able to ping the PLC's address from the terminal.
Is it possible to get this work with ET200S? What should I configure in the PLC?
It states S7 communication in the description of the CPU, but there is no place in Tia Portal where I can enable GET/PUT access like in the newer models (or at least I couldn't find it).
I haven't worked with ET200S so I'm no expert in this field.
I agree with you. It seems ET200S is PLC model which doesn't have Enable/disable put/get checkmark which looks odd.
It should work with PUT/GET, because PUT/GET blocks are loadable. Do you have means to set up PUT/GET between 2 PLCs to check? If it works with PUT/GET it should work with nodered
Connection settings are (which you already tried)
What is your polling interval? Maybe you could get around and setup Open user communication:
based on this example:
Thanks I got the connection working, the problem was with my virtual machine's network, so not node-red related. I also set the S7 basic communication to 1 (it was 0), I don't know if that helped, but its working now!