Received 'regular' badge from Discourse

Hi folks,,

I received this badge from Discourse:


I might be completely mistaken (!!), but I think I received such a badge years ago already...

If that would be the case, does this mean perhaps that Discourse takes away our badges as soon as we have a period of lower activty? Which would be mathematically correct, but quite ungrateful imho. In that case Discourse would become an asocial media platform...

My right-hand man ChatGpt tells me that this is not the case:

once a badge is granted, it is not typically removed from a user’s profile

But it wouldn't be the first time that he fooled me ...

Thanks from a novice community member :yum:


My Regular got stripped from me the other week.

Personally I find it silly, especially when I have been given it a couple of times.

It’s like being punished, for being busy, that you can’t help the community as much as you have clearly been identified too!

Anyway, I find it annoying - and actually off putting
And I agree - it is ungrateful for those that hang here often, but become busy for a period.

Like I say - it puts me off.


Parameter can be changed :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, I knew I was going to lose it because I had a big month-long rush. But as Marcus said, we can be busy personally and still be present when we are mentioned, for example.

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For me "badges" fall somewhere between patronising like a primary school gold star and creepy like adverts based on my location and search history.
Except I can turn those off.

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@BartButenaers - Discourse Trust Level 3 (also known as 'Regular') for users, is established on a rolling 100 day period, so if you dip below the necessary requirements, the badge (level) is reduced from 'Regular' to 'Member'.

So to get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

Discourse say;
"All of the above criteria must be true to achieve trust level 3. Furthermore, unlike other trust levels, you can lose trust level 3 status . If you dip below these requirements in the last 100 days, you will be demoted back to Member. However, in order to avoid constant promotion/demotion situations, there is a 2-week grace period immediately after gaining Trust Level 3 during which you will not be demoted."

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I suggest extending this limit (100 days) because it is quite short if we have a little period of inactivity.

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I've now set it to 200 days minimum... so hopefully won't be so "aggressive".
Also if anyone feels they have been unfairly dinged let me know and I can manually bump and lock their level.


Thanks all for illuminating me!

So thank god it is a pure math issue from some algorithm.
And not a community driven decision targetted to me personally :rofl:

P.S. My belly tells me that I will get more response now on my previous sentence, compared to when I ask volunteers to test a new node :yum:


Not just pure maths, I thought @marcus-j-davies might of been removed for the spamming in the lounge. JK

But then read it must be confirmed by Moderator.

OK Bartradamus


Looks like I better catchup on missed opportunities :wink:


20K cap seems a bit high ?

For example it (feels like) 50% of messages are related to dashboard 2 at the moment, which I don't currently have time to experiment with, so I'm unlikely to read them all.

@BartButenaers, I am awarding you with a very special badge.


Maybe, but the Node-RED forum has generated 9,720 posts in the past 100 days, and the current 'Level 3' requirement is to read 25% (which is discourse's default setting).
So 9,720 X 25% = 2430, divided by 100 days = a minimum average of 25 posts to be read per day.

If you scan through a single topic, you can quickly reach that figure.

However, in the past 100 days, you have read 5,483 posts , which is almost double the requirement!

I've reduced the view/read percentage to 10% for Level 3.


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