Receiving data from phone and camera sensors


  1. The task is to obtain data from sensors and build graphs.
  2. there is an application on the phone - ip webcam. It can output photos, videos and phone sensor data.
  3. I receive gyroscope data from my phone in node-red (http request) after 5 seconds in the form of an array of time 1709001978721 and values from the sensor and it contains time
  4. how to format data to build a graph
  5. I understand that the graph can be built with the new capabilities of dashboard 2.0 by converting 1709001978721 into a time format and plotted on the 0X axis, and data from sensors can be plotted on the 0Y axis.
    I think that if someone helps me, this will be used by many people in their projects. Because there are few such examples.

We need examples of what you get into Node RED - msg.payload (redact what you need to)
then we can get close to providing some solutions

I apologize for the in-depth description. When I edited and uploaded photos and code to the forum, it was not saved. Now I will describe in detail. Write if anything is unclear. Photos don't load well.

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This is the message I receive. These are the charts on the phone.

I understand - the number of words is limited. so I'll break it down into parts.
Here is what I get from the sensors and how I manipulated it, trying to display data and build a graph.

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The problem is that the data is accumulated and transmitted in 5 seconds and in node red I receive the data late and in a packet where the time of 1 point, 2 points of the graph is indicated. If you plot several points of one graph at the same time, it will be wrong. I get the time in the format 1709001978720 and
1: array[3]
0: -0.7469909 is X
1: -1.1683705 is Y
2: 9.289502 is Z

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