Red-contrib-sftpco Node Red 4.0.0 crashes


Unfortunately, since version 4.0.0, I have the problem that Node Red crashes when I use node-red-contrib-sftpco.

Does anyone have the same problem?

With version 3.1.1 everything works without any problems

This node hasn’t been updated in 4 years and in an issue on it’s GitHub page the author stated;


You can try to update ssh2-sftp-client include in this node. I not maintain this node anymore, but if you test this solution you can make a PR au updated package.json (5.1.2 in package but 9.0.2 is available )

So you might want to look for another solution.


Thanks for the info.

Is there anything new?

What do you mean?

If you asr asking if there is a different ftp node you can use go to the Flows tab at the top of this page and do a search using ftp and try some of the nodes it finds.