Hi ... yes you are right formatting before sending to ui-table was a bad idea. But fortunately the last seen timestamp is available. A custom formatter like below will do the trick:
function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
var pad = function (num) {
return ('0'+num).slice(-2);
var secs = (Date.now() - Number(cell.getValue())) / 1000;
if (Number.isNaN(secs)) return;
var minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60);
secs = secs % 60;
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
minutes = minutes % 60;
var days = Math.floor(hours/24);
hours = hours%24;
if (days>0)
return days+'d '+pad(hours)+':'+pad(minutes);
return pad(hours)+':'+pad(minutes)+':'+pad(secs);
you might want to play with the code as you like. Sorting then happens on the unix timestamp before formatting. You have to change the field to lastSeenReady
"title": "last seen <i class='fa fa-clock-o fa-rotate-90'></i>",
"field": "lastSeenready",
"formatter": "function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ var pad = function (num) { return ('0'+num).slice(-2); }; var secs = (Date.now() - Number(cell.getValue())) / 1000; if (Number.isNaN(secs)) return; var minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60); secs = secs % 60; var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60); minutes = minutes % 60; var days = Math.floor(hours/24); hours = hours%24; if (days>0) return days+'d '+pad(hours)+':'+pad(minutes); else return pad(hours)+':'+pad(minutes)+':'+pad(secs); }",
"width": 80,
"align": "right",
"tooltip": true,
"headerVertical": "flip",
"headerTooltip": "time since the device was sending $state updates",
"headerContext": "function(e,column){ this.send({ui_control:{callback:'headerContext'},position:{\"x\":e.x,\"y\":e.y},payload:column._column.field}); e.preventDefault(); }"
Hi .... here on my side both uptime and last seen works as expected.
The problem could be (I see the red background on row 5) that the sorting is not applied on new data. In version 4.3 sorting takes place only on initial data or you have to call sorting by the setSort command after each update. more here
The sorting takes place on the raw data and the formatter does his business rendering the cell only
I don't have a quick solution to trigger sorting after each update and maintain the scroll position - I would not like the table jumping around on each update
I added this to the uptime column and that seems to have fixed it
"sorter": "number",
Not sure why I need this and you don't though ?
I'm not too bothered about last seen as I like the formated version better as its easier to read.
I might see if I can replicate that formating in the table