I'm attempting to resolve an error with my Node-Red setup that I see when using the TagUI module. The error I'm seeing is after the execution of any TagUI module:
"A duplicate file name exists, or the file cannot be found."
I don't believe it's an issue with the TagUI module itself since I can run the same flow on a different install of NodeRed and I don't see the same error. It seems like it might be related to some kind of logging to a file at the conclusion of the module's execution...?
Does anyone have a starting point for how to debug this? Some background: I have Node and Node-Red installed in my user directory, not root, as this is a work machine and I wanted to keep things contained in my directory. Not sure if this is an issue or not, but thought I'd include the info if so.
I'm tempted to say "Hello Possum!" But won't! first 3 seconds
I would beg to disagree.
(Oh, what O/S machine is this on?)
(Assuming RasPi/Ubuntu)
Open a command line/terminal.
cd .node-red node-red-stop node-red-start
Look for any errors/complaints/problems when that starts up.
When you see what you think is the problem, get back and post.
Start your reply.
BEFORE you paste, click the little reverse tick key (the one to the LEFT of the 1 key) THREE times.
Paste the stuff.
(On a new line repeat the 3 reverse ticks)
It should look something like this (style wise)
This is an example of what you
should see if you did it correctly.