To edit a function, template or other nodes you double click on the node, then click the button to get the full page editor.
I frequently make a minor change and have to click Done, Done, Deploy then switch to the browser tab displaying the dashboard to see the result.
Is it possible eg by ctrl click on Done to save the changes, deploy and switch to the dashboard tab in the browser but leave the full page editor open ready for the next change?
The question of keeping the edit dialog open when you click deploy has been asked and answered lots of times.
The way the edit dialogs work requires them to be closed to get the changes applied - they cannot be left open. To change that would require changing the whole lifecycle of how nodes are edited - which we cannot do in the core - all 3500+ nodes in the community would have to be updated, otherwise you end up with a very inconsistent experience of some nodes letting you do that, and some nodes not.
I would very much like that automation if possible also, currently i have setup another monitor (because i happened to have one) displaying the dashboard, while i keep making changes in the editor tab in another monitor.
although I use only Ctrl+Enter (Done) and Ctrl+D (Deploy)
Seems to me this is the same as "macros" in many applications and I'm in favor of them but how strongly is in inverse proportion to the time/difficulty it adds for the dev team. In other words, a "would be nice to have" feature but only if deemed cost effective.