Select all nodes below mouse cursor postion

When you want to add some extra nodes to a busy tab of flows, you have to zoom out and then select from bottom right to top left of all the nodes you want to shift down.

Then zoom back to normal and then move them

A nice to have would be to just have a right-click option to select all nodes below the mouse position and then they could be simply moved down to make more room

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Perhaps of help:

If the nodes are connected by wires:

  • SHIFT+click to the right hand side to select that node and downstream nodes.
  • SHIFT+click to the left hand side to select that node and upstream nodes.
  • SHIFT+click to the center to select all connected nodes

You can also add to the selection by holding control (including shift if you want to add the connected nodes)


What happens when I hold control and click:


it is brings up the context menu - that's firefox on a mac using NR 3.1.12 but also the same with 4.0.5

It was introduced later I think. You can verify if the action is present in the action list


Might be a bug in 4.0.5? Doesnt happen for me on Windows with Opera, Edge or Chrome (dont have FF) (NR4.0.8). What OS? If MacOS, then it might be other oddly named key (meta? opt?)

The shift stuff also works with 3.1.12 - I tried the the downstream stuff. It's the control key that never worked as you described.

MacOS (ok I said mac but it's also MacOS!) and it's both Opera and FF, neither works correctly correct. The behaviour is correct - so I can select individual nodes just that the menu also pops up (annoyingly)

Ah, but Apple always knows best what you need - and you'd better believe them - OR ELSE! And yes, I've had some quite "robust" discussions with senior Apple people over the years. :slight_smile:

Well I would assume then Microsoft knows very little and don't have any opinions on adding advertising to their operating system.

Honestly I don't quite get how your comment is helping here but then again, I'm just a Mac use and Apple does the thinking for me.

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Solution MacOS: use the meta/cmd key instead - that provides the same behaviour that the ctrl does key but without displaying the context menu.

Ironically discovered that Finder has the exact same behaviour, i.e. shift - range of items, ctrl - item + context menu, meta - select individual item.

Shows how often I use that functionality!