Space between widgets

Hi guys,
I'm using native NR 4.0 on PI 4b.
Dashboard-2 1.12.2.
Is there a way to manage the spacing between 2 widget on dashboard?
I've tried to use "widget gap" on a Theme, but it seems to have no effect.

Hi @Gaetano - the theme's "Widget Gap" should be controlling exactly that. I'm not at my laptop to check properly, but off the top of my the only thing I can think of trying is to do a "Full Deploy" in Node-RED, rather than just modified flows/nodes.

Managed to get to a machine, and changed "Widget Gap" to "64px" and it did as I would expect:


Do you see something different?

I've tried a Full deploy but nothing is changed.
I would like to reduce the space. Maybe is there a lower limit?
I have a synoptic quite large and I would like to reduce the space.
Sure, I could create more pages, of course. And I will do this if there are no other solutions

Thanks, I can see from this the gap is reduced, but each "row" has a minimum height.

Adding a "compact" view is on our todo list, as this is feedback we have had a lot

I would like reduce the space between rows and not the row itself.
In other words: looking at the image of my synoptic, I would reduce, for example, the space between "Plafoniera Letto" and "Salone". The blank space should be lower.

The following, is the same synoptic on dashboard-1 (captured by the same browser): as you can see, it is smaller than that of dashboard-2.

Thanks for the clarification, I went a little specific, without explanation.

Each "row" in Dashboard is 48px. So the "space" is actually within a row/widget itself, rather than surrounding it. That's why we need to provide an option for "compact" widget variants, so the row height is smaller.

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