Sqlite not shown on Raspberry Pi


I have just installed Sqlite in node red on a raspberry via the pallete manager, but in node red it is not in the list? how is this possible? normal sql is is only in the list.

Did it come up with any message when you were installing?

What does the log say?

When I add a flow with a sqlite node in it, it says that it found a uninstalled node called sqlite, in the pallet manager it says that sq-lite is installed

What is the full name of the node it says is installed? node-red-something probably.

Thanks for the great info, but I’d still like you to answer the questions I asked.

I'll let you know tomorrow morning at 7.am Amsterdam time

are you sure you have sqlite installed?
try sudo apt-get install sqlite3

SEe log

Start Node-RED
Once Node-RED has started, point a browser at
On Pi Node-RED works better with the Firefox or Chrome browser
Use   node-red-stop                          to stop Node-RED
Use   node-red-start                         to start Node-RED again
Use   node-red-log                           to view the recent log output
Use   sudo systemctl enable nodered.service  to autostart Node-RED at every boot
Use   sudo systemctl disable nodered.service to disable autostart on boot
To find more nodes and example flows - go to http://flows.nodered.org
Starting as a systemd service.
Started Node-RED graphical event wiring tool.
5 Dec 13:38:45 - [info]
Welcome to Node-RED
5 Dec 13:38:45 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.19.4
5 Dec 13:38:45 - [info] Node.js  version: v8.11.1
5 Dec 13:38:45 - [info] Linux 4.14.79-v7+ arm LE
5 Dec 13:38:51 - [info] Loading palette nodes
5 Dec 13:39:06 - [info] Dashboard version 2.11.0 started at /ui
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [warn] [node-red-node-sqlite/sqlite] Error: Cannot find module '/home/pi/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-node-sqlite/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v57-linux-arm/node_sqlite3.node'
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] Settings file  : /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] Context store  : 'default' [module=memory]
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] Flows file     : /home/pi/.node-red/flows_raspberrypi.json
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [warn]
Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.
If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.
You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info]  - sqlite
5 Dec 13:39:10 - [info] Server now running at
5 Dec 13:40:11 - [info] Stopping flows
5 Dec 13:40:11 - [info] Stopped flows
5 Dec 13:40:11 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
5 Dec 13:40:11 - [info]  - sqlite

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install sqlite3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
sqlite3 is already the newest version (3.16.2-5+deb9u1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 33 not upgraded

> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install sqlite
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree        
> Reading state information... Done
> sqlite is already the newest version (2.8.17-14).
> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 33 not upgraded.

so now

cd .node-red

and the install the node and look at the messages for any errors.

There are no errors, the node is installed without errors

Just to confirm you have installed the node again, from within your .node-red directory?

I'm installing it with this code: "sudo apt-get install sqlite3", after it says in the pallete manager that it's installed, but it's not showed in the list and giving the error when I import a flow with a sqlite node in it.

I don't know what to do :frowning:

But thats not the node-red-node.

With that you have installed the "database", but now that is installed you need to reinstall the Node-RED component that allows you to read and write to that "database".

See this page for how to do it.

NOTE It does not use sudo

If that install fails due to not having access type errors, then try it with extra parameter

npm i —unsafe-perm node-red-node-sqlite


Fixed it with some help https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/node-red/60STlYN53e0