TAPO{"result":false,"errorInf":"Error: Unexpected Error Code: 1003 (undefined)"}

Does anyone have a solution fro the new bug with the TPLINK TP100, since the new firmware on the I'm getting this error

node-red-contrib-tplink-tapo-connect-api 0.3.5

Its already been reported to the Authors repo, so add your comments to it.

Tapo P100 Error 1003 after Firmeware update 1.2.1 Build 230804 · Issue #33 · sanlike0911/node-red-contrib-tplink-tapo-connect-api (github.com)

BUT I wish you luck - the author doesn't respond much.

maybe find a different node

Do you know any other node to make tapo p100 work? appreciate it in advance :slight_smile:

Search using the flows website - But no, I still use this Node (but never update my devices) as my Network has a separate IoT vlan, that has WAN disabled, to stop automated updates to my devices/phone home behaviours.


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Thank you Sir

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