Just another observation to do with highlighting
As is, the greyed out button is highlighted - thus indicating it is the active one.
And I accept that these things are open to personal understanding.
And I don't want to argue for the sake of arguing. There just is/was something which was niggling at me that contradicted the claim that people see things differently. Which isn't my point of contention. Rather the whole scenario.
Today the kink has shown itself.
So, to re-cap:
In the above pictures, it is the greyed out one which is the active.
And I can't say it is right or wrong. But from a further out perspective, the tabs.......
Here is a picture. I goofed with the colours. Orange is the established scheme. Putting aside the underline (shadow) of the button.
The grey is the active selection.
Now the tabs. The active tab is Weather
. Yet it is the opposite colour scheme to the buttons.
grey are the inactive tabs
The active tab has the same colour scheme as used in the other case for the inactive buttons.
Am I the first to notice this?
But that (I hope) is what is constantly getting me for selecting.
the active tab is white. Inactive tabs are grey.
the active button is grey. Other buttons are white.
I'll stop here, as I think that is what was/is my grief.