Translate Português pt-BR

Hello people,

I started learning about Node-RED recently, the tool is fantastic, congratulations to the whole team! I will need to integrate the tool to a system in Portuguese, so I decided to translate it to pt-BR. I would like to share the translation with the community and saw in the link that I should open a topic here on the forum and make a pull request, but I don't know how to do it. It's my first contribution to github. \O/

Firstly, thanks for this.

Could you please make sure you sign the CLA listed in the PR so we can accept the contribution.

Also if there are any other Portuguese Brazilian speakers on the forum that could review this please as none of the core team has any way to check this contribution.

The PR is here:

Just as an aside, next time please post to the forum or slack before submitting the pull request so we can help guide you. In this case we would probably have asked for the changes to be broken up in to slightly smaller chunks to make getting them reviewed easier.

Thank you!

I had already signed before the PR. I did it again :+1:

Just checking, email you use to sign the CLA needs to be the same as the one used when making the git commit and linked to your github account so the system can link the 2 up.

I'll wait next time.

With regard to email it is the same

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