Troubleshooting an error on IBM cloud

Yes I had installed it via the pallette manager.

Ah that explains a couple of things ...
This evening I had published a new version of my heatmap node on NPM, and updated it via the palette manager on IBM cloud. But then I got following error afterwards:


But as mentioned above, I use IBM cloud now for the first time (only to assist 1 single user). Have been reading a bit about it, but don't want to waste too much time on it ...

So I tried at last my own workaround to restart Node-RED hard way:

  • I logged on to the SSH panel
  • I did ps -ef to get the PID of the running node-red process
  • The I executed a kill of that PID
  • And immediately afterwards I had a Node-RED instance with my new heatmap code up and running

I assume your soft way is much better :innocent:
Will try to do it via the package.json file...