Tuya API device ID

Hey all,
I've been banging my head against a wall trying all of the Tuya plugins for NodeRED, but I keep getting stuck.
A while ago I obtained the device ID and localKey from the Tuya dev service (within the 1 month trial period), but I cannot seem to make them work with any of the NR plugins.

The most progress I've made is with the TuyAPI Cloud plugin, which allowed me to get Group IDs, which I then fed into the Get Devices example node. From this I have obtain an array of all 5 of my devices and below is an example of one of them.

The trouble is that with Tuya-Smart-Device node, it asks for device key, which seems to be different to local key.
Any ideas what I should be doing?
Incidentally, the IP address shown is not part of my local network.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
All the best,

Each device has a device id and local key, which you can get with tuya-cli using:

tuya-cli wizard

From memory you can also get it from the Tuya portal, but can't remember where specifically.