Ui-group - type dialog. how to 'prevent' closing the window

I am using dialog type ui-group to show a 'popup' window while some calculations are going on in the background, and i DONT want the user the 'close' the dialog until it is time. but the user has the ability to CLOSE the window by clicking on x. how do i prevent that ? in dashboard-1 i was using 'ui-spinner' ant it was working fine for me.

Have you tried using the Notification node in DB2?

Add a ui-template set for CSS & use CSS to hide the X button.

that does not remove the 'focus' from the underlying dashboard, user can 'click' and interact with the background.

I want exactly like a ui-spinner for db-1.

.v-btn--icon .v-icon {
        display: none;

this did hide the x button, but the user can still click 'outside' the popup window and activate the background.

Then target the button not the inner icon. Use your browser dev tools to find the correct selector.

Ps, strongly recommend you add a class to the group to limit scope (what you have will affect everything it matches)

I am aware, I was doing a qucik dirty check.

but, still unless the dialog screen is as big as background screen, i cannot avoid user clicking outside the dialog window, which de-activates the dialog. May be i am not able to convey the message. a short video may help.


You could target the "shade" and set pointer-events: none;

I think it would be useful if the the dialog type group had a Modal option to prevent click away from happening. Also, arguably, the dialog should not have the X to allow it to be closed. Perhaps a Feature Request should be raised for this.

I dont disagree. If @smanjunath211 can raise an FR issue detailing what they want / need, that would be helpful.

I am not sure i have worded the FR correctly. but this is the gist.

No, this should be raised on the Dashboard 2 repository (otherwise it will slip through the cracks - we do not monitor FRs raised here, only on the repository tracker itself)

also, include a link back to this thread.

also, list your expectations and difficulties faced DIYing this.