this may not be the most appropriate forum for the topic, but maybe someone can help me.
I have a RaspberryPi running with NodeRed. I would like to use a ui-iframe to embed local web interfaces (e.g. a heat pump, a router) into the dashboard.
This works perfectly in the local network.
However, it doesn't work when I access it externally via VPN. The iframe remains empty. Probably because it then accesses the local network of the end device and not that of the Raspberry. Right?
What could a solution look like? Reverse proxy? Unfortunately, I'm not an IT expert. But I could probably manage it if I knew what to look for and where the problem was.
You may only have a "wormwhole" to Node RED only - if that makes sense, and it may not grant access to the network that it runs under.
Example... I use wireguard - and my wireguard setup adds routes to my client for my private lan(s) through the WG tunnel - meaning I get access to my entire network(s) (iframe or not) - providing any request is for the subnet of my (many) networks.
I.e : Your VPN setup may only allow X.X.X.X/32 (Node RED IP Only)
and not X.X.X.X/24 - its Network
Again - Without knowing your setup (what software/setup)
It's hard to answer.
In essence
Traditional VPN (at least in my corporate setting)
Is designed to route traffic for a certain address space out via the VPN adapter. : Any traffic for this address ( - use the VPN : Any traffic for this address ( - use the VPN : Any traffic for 0-255 - use the VPN
I.e - once you have the VPN (, then you can go to any address in the routed network
I don't use traditional VPN's myself. But the explanation from @marcus-j-davies seems to me to explain it all very well, in a nutshell.
So you have now entered in your VPN, and as a result you can navigate externally to http://10.0.0.X succesfully. Can you please explain a bit more in detail which problem you currently have:
The dashboard does not open when you navigate to http://10.0.0.X:1880/ui?
The dashboard opens successfully, but the content of your ui-frame is empty?
In any case, are there errors in your browser console log (via the developer tools of your browser)? For example CORS related errors, https related errors, or anything else?
Check in the browser's dev tools. Check the network tab to see if something is failing to load. And the console to see if there is an error.
Sorry, been a bit busy recently. But the explanation about routing is correct of course. Where it gets complex is where you want both a VPN and other networks. And in that case, you need to be VERY CAREFUL because it is all too easy to bridge 2 networks and completely destroy the security.
In that case you will have to use https inside the frame too. You cannot normally access an http site inside a frame in an https site (which would be a security risk, in general). I don't know if there is a way of disabling that check for a particular case.