Ui-text vertical spacing

When stacking ui-text widgets there is a lot of vertical padding between each widget. Is there a way to remove this so that the actual text from each widget is vertically snug against each other? Some magic css maybe?

I would prefer not to introduce a template node.


Hi @Bobo, thanks for the question. On your theme there is a "Widget Gap" option, which you can set to zero.

Currently a single row in Dashboard is 48px, and isnt configurable, but want to emphasise the currently.

It's something that is coming up a lot, and we'll hopefully get addressed in the next week or two, which would be the introduction of a "compact" view, where the padding is reduced considerably

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There is magic of the CSS of course.

Anyway, it is not correct way to solve the problem. Fighting with layout instead of being creative... I'd use ui_template to create rows which you can then modify as you need.

Thanks to you both. Appreciate it. :+1:

Any luck with this one?


Not yet, sorry, its still one of the top priorities and I'll post to the forums, and publish a blog about it to https://flowfuse.com (and their socials) when it's available

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