Unable to install a worldmap node

Did you ever answer my earlier question, what happens if you connect to the same hotspot as the PC is connected to?
Edit] Use traceroute to check, if it can't get through then you won't be able to install.

Tbh, don't even bother trying to install a node red node until you get a proper response from

curl www.google.com

If you can't curl an external web page on the pi, you ain't gonna install a node. Period. (Well there are other ways - BUT we won't go into manually downloading NPM packages just yet)

You need to fix the internet access issue first.

Node red doesn't install. NPM does by downloading from the internet.

Have you considered building a new image for the PI? Start from scratch?

That is a good point, how did you install node-red in the first place? You presumably had a good connection then.

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