Unable to install Node Red on Raspberry pi

I can not install Node Red on Raspbery pi.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem

I already upgrade system with sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and it didnt work.
I am using Edge Box RPI-200 Raspberry Pi-based industrial edge computing controller.

Doesn't that device have an OS customised by Seeed?
https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/edge_box_rpi_200_node_red_bacnet_tcp/ implies that Node-red is already installed.

I think you should probably seek support from Seeed, after all you paid them for the device, including the OS.

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You must install Node.js runtime to run Node-RED.

Try to run "node -v" command and see if it shows something. If nothing appears then node.js is not installed correctely.

It is not necessary to manually install nodejs, the install script should do that for you. The problem is that the script has failed to install nodejs for some reason.

@ghocev1, jbudd is correct, try the supplier first. If you want to see why the install script fails then look in /var/log/nodered-install.log, which should give more information

It is clear, why Node RED failed to install.

See the second and third line in the screen.

I had the same issue, while trying to install NR 4.0.2 on a Rasberry Pi 1 B with Rasberry Pi OS Buster.
See: Can't start node-red 4 after re-install on pi zero w - #9 by blooders

Try to install with the --node18 option

bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered) --node18

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