Hi, I am new to Node-Red and building my first project to stream USB-camera video to node-red dashboard. The camera is attached to RaspPi and I am running node-red on Rasp-Pi. I am logging in to the RaspPi using Putty from a computer. I have installed the fswebcam library (and tested it) and prescient-devices/node-red-contrib-usb-camera on the RaspPi but in the block diagram it shows me a "not available" error (refer snapshot).
Could anybody point out what the error could be?
(Apologies if this is a very basic question)
[Update-1 : Rephrased the description for clarity]
I’m confused, are you saying that you used the usb-camera-node and it worked but the node you are showing doesn’t’ the? If that is true, what node is that?
Is nose-red installed on the pi that the usb camera is attached to?
While I've gotten fswebcam installed and when I run it I see the light flash on my usbcamera, I get a black image.
Update: I have gotten fswebcam to work from the command line but I had to add extra options. Seems it takes a bit for my usb camera to adjust the brightness. The node doesn't seem to address this.
@zenofmud, sorry for the late reply. I work from an office only once or twice a week.
Yes, I have installed fswebcam on the Pi using the guide from RaspPi website
And yes, the node-red-contrib-usbcamera node worked for me! I was able to display my image in the dashboard using this node.
And for the prescient-devices/node-red-contrib-usb-camera , I was able to get it in "connected" status in the node editor on my PC. I think there might be some dependency issues on the RaspPi as you have pointed out. I will check the raspbian version and other information and get back to you.