Use SPI1 in Node-RED

I use the "node-red-node-pi-mcp3008" to operate with my MCP3008 A/D Converter Chip.
In this Node i can change the Chip Select line CE0 and CE1 of the SPI0 Bus.

I want to use the SPI1 from my Raspberry PI3 for another MCP3008 on Chip Select line SPI1 CE0, so i think i have to change the code from the original Node. I have tried to change the palette name in the .html file and put an "1." instead of "0." in the .json file.. it doesn't work :frowning:

Sorry for my bad english - I'm from Austria :wink:
Can anybody help me?

hold that thought

pushed version 0.2 with that choice for you.

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Thank you so much for that fast support! It works perfectly, I reviewed your code, and yes its logical :slight_smile: .

I'm a big fan of your work and your code's thank you again!

You're welcome. No bother as it was a Friday afternoon :slight_smile: