Use voice monkey with node red

I would like to use node red to interact with voicemonkey and home assistant in order to launch announcements on my alexa devices. To do this I need to launch actions such as rest on home assistant as shown below:

RESTful Command: trigger_voice_monkey

deviceId: vmalertdev
text: Attenzione rilevata pioggia
action: rest_command.trigger_voice_monkey

I'm new to node red but I'm very passionate about it.. thanks to anyone who wants to help me.

Sounds like a question for the Home Assistant forum?

If you want to use HA then as @Paul-Reed says their forum is the probably the best place to ask those questions.
Saying that you can send voice, text and announce commands direct from node-red to Alexa using node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2-applestrudel (node) - Node-RED nodes, why envolve HA at all.

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thank very much I will try

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