Waiting for missing types to be registered

I have managed to see the problem; .js code was wrong. Two errors:

  • Using module.export instead of module.exports
  • Code inside exported function was not correc. This is teh correct version:
module.exports = function(RED) {
        "use strict";

        function ExampleNode(config) {

                var node = this;

                this.on("input"), function(msg) {
                        if (typeof msg.payload === "string") {
                                msg.payload = msg.payload.toLowerCase();
                        } else {
                                node.error("Payload is not a String", msg);


        RED.nodes.registerType("example", ExampleNode);


What is difficult to me is to detect these kind of errors: java script is too permisive with data, so you can declare or use data out of scope, and nothing happens. Thanks