Waiting for missing types to be registered


I've some problems with a node that I've made. This node use request to do a simple get request to any server. When I used the node for first time, it run well. Now, I change de project to add new nodes and the first node doesn't work. When I try it, I recieve a notification that said: "Waiting for missing types to be registered: fiware-in" (fiware-in is the name of the node.

I try a lot of solutions, but anything runs.


Hi @trujillo - welcome.

That means Node-RED has not been able to load your custom module for some reason. It will have reported any errors it hit trying to load your node in the log - so that's the place to look first.

Before, I can see the modules in the command windows but now I can't. However, I can see the nodes in the palette and I can use it in the flow. When I deploy, the problems starts.

Show us the whole log, up to when the error occurs. If possible please copy/paste here from the terminal. You can use Ctrl+Shift+C to copy from the terminal.

This is my cmd when I deploy the node:

C:\Users\Trujillo.node-red>node-red scratch.js
22 Mar 09:07:53 - [info]

Welcome to Node-RED

22 Mar 09:07:53 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.20.2
22 Mar 09:07:53 - [info] Node.js version: v10.15.3
22 Mar 09:07:53 - [info] Windows_NT 10.0.17134 x64 LE
22 Mar 09:07:54 - [info] Loading palette nodes
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Settings file : \Users\Trujillo.node-red\settings.js
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=memory]
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] User directory : \Users\Trujillo.node-red
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Flows file : C:\Users\Trujillo.node-red\scratch.js
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [warn]

Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.

If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.

You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.

22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Starting flows
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Started flows
22 Mar 09:07:56 - [info] Server now running at
22 Mar 09:09:02 - [info] Stopping flows
22 Mar 09:09:02 - [info] Stopped flows
22 Mar 09:09:02 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
22 Mar 09:09:02 - [info] - fiware-in
22 Mar 09:09:06 - [info] Stopping flows
22 Mar 09:09:06 - [info] Stopped flows

@Colin Is this that you said it?

Given there are no errors at the start - around the 'Loading palette nodes' line - then the most simple explanation is it hasn't found a module that provides the type fiware-in.

If you take a look in the file ~/.node-red/.config.json you'll see a list of all the modules node-red has loaded and where they came from. Check your module is listed in there.


The node is in the file that you comment. You can see fiware-out and fiware-in, the first runs well but the second has the problem and I don't know how repair it.


The runtime first identifies what types a node provides by scanning its html file - that is where the array of types comes from that you can see on line 502 in that screenshot.

It assumes the node's javascript file will actually register a node of that type.

But the error you are hitting tells us the javascript is not calling RED.nodes.registerType() with a type of "fiware-in". That would be the next thing for you to check.

This is the beginning of mi fiware-in.html. In the js file, RED.nodes.registerType() has 'fiware-in' too.

Thanks a lot for your comments!

You've shown the .html file - but its the .js file that determines what gets loaded in the runtime.

Ok, the js has an error.

Thank you very much! I solve my problem!


I am facing exactly the same issue. I am learning how to create nodes, and having this same error. the difference is, as far as I can see, that I am declaring correctly the call to the neccessary type (in my case 'example') from RED.nodes.registerType().

This is the log of node-red:

Welcome to Node-RED

12 Apr 18:24:22 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.0.4
12 Apr 18:24:22 - [info] Node.js  version: v12.16.1
12 Apr 18:24:22 - [info] Linux 4.15.0-1063-aws x64 LE
12 Apr 18:24:22 - [info] Loading palette nodes
12 Apr 18:24:23 - [info] Worldmap version 2.2.1
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Dashboard version 2.19.4 started at /ui
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Settings file  : /home/usuario/.node-red/settings.js
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Context store  : 'storeInFile' [module=localfilesystem]
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Context store  : 'default' [module=memory]
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] User directory : /home/usuario/.node-red
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Server now running at
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Active project : NodeRED
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Flows file     : /home/usuario/.node-red/projects/NodeRED/flows_raspberrypi.json
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
12 Apr 18:24:24 - [info]  - example

This is the .js file:

module.export = function(RED) {

        function ExampleNode(config) {
                var node = this;

        RED.nodes.registerType("example", ExampleNode);

        this.on("input"), function(msg) {
                if (typeof msg.payload === "string") {
                        msg.payload = msg.payload.toLowerCase();
                } else {
                        node.error("Payload is not a String", msg);


The .html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    RED.nodes.registerType('example', {
        color: "#62796E",
        category: 'function',
        defaults: {
            name: {value:""}
        inputs: 1,
        outputs: 1,
        icon: "inject.png",
        label: function() {
                return this.name || "example";

<script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="example">
        <div class="form-row">
                <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name </label>

<script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="example">
        <p>Converts msg.payload  to a lower-case string.</p>

The package.json file:

  "name": "node-red-contrib-example",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "node-red": {
    "nodes": {
      "example": "exampleNode.js"

It seems to be correctly loaded by node-red (fragment of : $HOME/.node-red/.config.json):

  "node-red-contrib-example": {
   "name": "node-red-contrib-example",
   "version": "1.0.0",
   "local": true,
   "nodes": {
    "example": {
     "name": "example",
     "types": [
     "enabled": true,
     "local": true,
     "module": "node-red-contrib-example",
     "file": "/home/maq/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-example/exampleNode.js"

Sorry I am sending a lot of data; just to show that I am considering all the possible mistakes commented here. After a number of hours trying different options, I haven't managed to put the node to work. I have to say that the node can be selected from the palette, but it cannot deploy the code as it says "Flows stopped due to missing node types."

Thanks a lot in advance

I have managed to see the problem; .js code was wrong. Two errors:

  • Using module.export instead of module.exports
  • Code inside exported function was not correc. This is teh correct version:
module.exports = function(RED) {
        "use strict";

        function ExampleNode(config) {

                var node = this;

                this.on("input"), function(msg) {
                        if (typeof msg.payload === "string") {
                                msg.payload = msg.payload.toLowerCase();
                        } else {
                                node.error("Payload is not a String", msg);


        RED.nodes.registerType("example", ExampleNode);


What is difficult to me is to detect these kind of errors: java script is too permisive with data, so you can declare or use data out of scope, and nothing happens. Thanks

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