This machine is Ubuntu 22.04. Nuc.
The new machine I just got up to date is also a NUC. Ubuntu 24.04.
It is running the latest NR.
This machine has VNC viewer which I use to log into other machines as needed.
(To now RasPis)
I'm trying to connect to the new NUC with that, but can't.
I've enabled RDP on the new one, but that's a whole different protocol - yes?
If I could get VNC working on the new one that would make my life a bit easier.
Big question is why do you need a GUI on the remote device? What do you need to do to it?
OS Updates - best done via command line: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade for OS updates on Debian and related OS's
Looking at the node red logs? I update the package.json file in ~/.node-red or wherever your userDir folder is to include some handy shortcut commands:
So I can simply run npm restart or npm run log and I don't have to remember the awkward control commands. (nrmain is my live instance of Node-RED, I think the default might be node-red?).
What else do you need to do on the device? Shouldn't really be anything. Maybe an occasional reboot (sudo reboot!) or the occasional npm command.
A GUI doesn't help with any of these.
However, an SSH terminal connection certainly helps. All desktop/server OS's now include OpenSSH and may not even need it configuring.
So I can sit at my known machine and RDP (VNC) into the new one and edit things remotely.
As said I am sitting with 2 of everything and it is not fun as the two keyboards are very slightly different. Not the end of the world, but it can be frustrating as one of the keys is in a different place.
But, yet, I guess I could edit the NR side of things from my main machine via 1880 anyway.
Just when I was tweaking some stuff while setting it up, I got the keyboards mixed up a few times.
If I need to do stuff with it in the future, it would/may be nice if I could VNC to it rather than have to dig out another monitor, keyboard, etc.
Use a terminal to SSH to the remote command line and type:
cd ~/.node-red
nano settings.js
Later on, use VSCode and install the microsoft remote extensions. They let you remote edit over SSH from within the lovely VSCode interface.
You will NEVER need a remote desktop - EVER, I mean that! You will be living in the wonderful sunny uplands of simplicity! (well, OK, maybe I'm slightly overstating things but really, you will be happier).
I for one agree with you about VNC, being easier. Personally my preference. You don't say which viewer you are using as I used to use real vnc but it doesn't work anymore. I have switched to tiger vnc which worked for me. May work for you, May not, couldn't hurt to try.
Just be aware it is possibly that things break in either Wayland or Xorg world as coders get to grips with the change and you do not need a desktop to run Node-Red as a server.
Note RealVNC have changed their "free" offering to a Lite program so check the T&Cs still match your needs.
TBH though - ssh is normally fine for Node-Red management and that's only rarely needed here (damn solid product these folk have created).
You did not need to change the file. On the login password entry screen click the settings cog (bottom right I think) and select whichever display manager you want for that user.
In Files, did you click +Other locations, and then see a list of locations? For me the one of interest shows
391 GB Volume. 33.6GB/384GB available. /dev/sda6
The ones that show before you click other locations are the ones on the USB stick.
I suspect that you may have been looking at the USB stick or a virtual drive. Maybe not though, as maybe the version I booted into was different to yours, and things may have changed.
I was looking at the exfat volume and not the BOOT volume.
Today - just now - I did what you suggested (same result though, but then I saw the boot volume.
Opened it, saw the etc directory, edited the file, rebooted and the machine is working again.