Hi there,
I was very new to Node-red and I was exploring how to get started on the web-worldmap nodes. So I tried to import some examples to help me get started and surprisingly, when I deploy the flo and click inject (and the message of successfully injection comes out), I press ctrl + shift + m to jump over to the worldmap and....nothing that was passed to msg.payload shows up!
My example is as simple as below
[{"id":"7ccc3454.0495cc","type":"function","z":"7a91ddd3.5c5b04","name":"Add person to map","func":"var thing = {\n name:\"Jason Isaacs\", \n lat:51, \n lon:-1.45,\n icon:\"car\",\n iconColor:\"darkred\",\n extrainfo:\"Hello to Jason Isaacs\"\n};\nmsg.payload = thing;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":420,"y":260,"wires":[["c28f2b07.01d088"]]}]
And attached is the worldmap image that I'm seeing after deployment.
I'd grealy appreciate if anyone can shed some light!