I am trying to ger some webhooks into NodeRed but I am having an issue at the complete start;
I can get the webhook onto webhook.site without a problem.
When I try to get it in NodeRed I get an error "Error: missing nodes property" three times; according to the documentation this is because the sender didn't get the connection to server. (it tries to send it 3 times).
I tried with function and switch node to send message 200 back but with no success...
Here is what documentation says:
The block expects the receiver to respond to each POST message with a 200 (OK) HTTP status code. If a TCP connection couldn't be established while sending the output, the block will attempt to do it again up to 2 times immediately after the failure. If a TCP connection has been established, but the receiver didn't respond properly, the block will resend the message every 10 seconds up to 2 times. Then the message is discarded.
Edit; I tried to connect to the server with curl from Poweshell but I also can't connect...