Hello, I have a small touchscreen running Node-Red, it is connected to another main controller running Node-Red. The touchscreen is just mirroring the Dashboard by logging into the IP address. Occasionally the main controller is powered down and back up, which results in touchscreen displaying this message that it is waiting for Node-Red
My question is - where can I find the text and image displayed here so I can modify what it says? I just want it to show a blank screen with connection lost in top right. Thanks
To check:
NR is running on machine 1
This touch screen is on machine 2
But as a thought:
What happens if you use another machine to look at the dashboard of machine 1?
(Say from machine 3)
If that shows the correct thing, good.
Exit full screen mode(on machine 2) and try pressing the refresh button on the browser.
Node-Red running on both machines
Machine 1 - The main controller does everything, but has no screen. It is running the dashboard
Machine 2 - Does nothing but open a chromium browser, connect to IP address of Machine 1. It is just showing a mirror of the dashboard
Problem - When Machine 1 turns off, Machine 2 is still running. It gets the above page. I dont mind the page. I just want to remove the text. This situation only last for as long as Machine 1 is off. When Machine 1 restarts then Machine 2 will redisplay the Machine 1 dashboard.
In general, all you need to know is that the front-end (e.g. browser client) code for Dashboard is "intelligent" enough to tell you it can't actually get anything useful from the server. Perhaps the wording could be a bit more friendly.
I think you are using D2 so you may want to try raising an enhancement request for D2 here in the forum?
don't worry - it's still "just" a text file so you can hand edit it - it's just all on one line so a bit more of a pain to do... on my PC the .node-red/node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist/index.html ends a bit like
& !main.nothing" ng-include="'loading.html'" class="node-red-ui--loading"></div> <div ng-if="main.nothing" class="node-red-ui--notabs"> <table><tr><td><center><img src="icon120x120.png"></center></td></tr> <tr><td><center><h2>Welcome to the Node-RED Dashboard</h2></center></td></tr> <tr><td><center>Please add some UI nodes to your flow and redeploy.</center></td></tr></table> </div> <script src="socket.io/socket.io.js"></script> <script src="js/app.min.js"></script> <script src="i18n.js"></script> </body> </html>
So you can see in there the text you need to remove. In fact you can remove or replace from <table> to </table> if you like no problem..... Do note however if you do this by hand then you will need to redo this next time you update the node-red-dashboard set of nodes, as the update will overwrite this file again.