When can I not add a new node?

Nice to meet you
Recently started Node-red

I'm using Node-red on IBMcloud

Adding new node from palette
However, there are times when you can not add nodes
I do not know the reason why I can not add a node

What is the cause when it can not be added?

【Node that could not be added】

Please let me know

Have you checked the logs for any error messages when you try installing those nodes?

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Thank you for your reply

Error message is here↓↓

Do you know the cause?

2019-07-31T00:23:17.745Z 追加 : node-red-dashboard 2.15.5

2019-07-31T00:23:17.159Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-dashboard@2.15.5
2019-07-31T00:23:32.396Z rc=null