Zwavejs help please

Good Afternoon
I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction, I have node-red running fine and have installed Zwavejs successfully along with my USB zwave controller.
I have included a AEON Labs ZW096 plug in switch with a node id of 15
I have tried using the command factory node but to be honest I am at a loss
If anyone could help me basically understand how to switch it on and off I would be very grateful

HI @fogmajor

To control a plug - it likey uses the binary class.
See attached example

[{"id":"28a7c094d7479125","type":"cmd-factory","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"ZWave CMD Factory","node":"topic","endpoint":"0","cc":"Select Command Class","method":"Select Method","params":"payload","noEvent":false,"forceUpdate":"forceUpdate","api":"ValueAPI","vapiMode":"setValue","vapiValue":"payload","vapiValueId":"valueId","vapiOptions":"options","x":540,"y":1020,"wires":[["f0352aa9e33beec2"]]},{"id":"6d75fd42974aafcd","type":"inject","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"","props":[{"p":"valueId","v":"{\"commandClassName\":\"Binary Switch\",\"commandClass\":37,\"endpoint\":0,\"property\":\"targetValue\",\"propertyName\":\"targetValue\"}","vt":"json"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"},{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"15","payload":"true","payloadType":"bool","x":290,"y":1000,"wires":[["28a7c094d7479125"]]},{"id":"9baa7c70f9ac599c","type":"inject","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"","props":[{"p":"valueId","v":"{\"commandClassName\":\"Binary Switch\",\"commandClass\":37,\"endpoint\":0,\"property\":\"targetValue\",\"propertyName\":\"targetValue\"}","vt":"json"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"},{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"15","payload":"false","payloadType":"bool","x":290,"y":1040,"wires":[["28a7c094d7479125"]]},{"id":"f0352aa9e33beec2","type":"debug","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"debug 387","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":530,"y":860,"wires":[]}]

To get the different Value IDs -double click one of class values in the side panel.
The value ID - is on object, that identifies the class and property to change.

Connect the Factory to your controller, for it to send the value to the network.

Marcus you are a superstar, I am now controlling the binary switch.
Sorry to be cheeky but could you point me on how to get the binary switches current state

Thank you so much
Kind Regards


Hi Marcus I found the sidebar that displays all that is needed, Thank you again

All you would do, is set the method to get and use the current value id.

The factory uses JSONata, using the factory isn’t required, just helps to simplify your message

Hi Marcus
I changed the msg.valueid to
{"commandClassName":"Binary Switch","commandClass":37,"endpoint":0,"property":"currenttValue","propertyName":"currentValue"}
Set the factory to GET
the value comes back as undefined, i used an inject node with a payload of true

I am making slow progress but beginning to understand a little better
Could you clarify for me please if I have a zwave PIR and it detects will the device transmit the change or do i have to monitor its state permanently?

Hi @fogmajor

Real time events will get sent out from the controller as they happen.

As for getting the value, ensure your using the correct valueId for currentValue.(double click it) to see the value ID

The side bar is using the same methods - so should be there.

Print out the entire msg that that you receive back

Cheers and thank you again

1 Like

You have 2 t’s in currentValue :smiley:

Well spotted, at 65 years old they say its never to late to learn something new, I am beginning to wonder lol

Thanks Again

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Good Morning Marcus
Many thanks for your help on my zwave journey.
You mentioned that you could work without the command factory, Are there any resources available on how to do that ie sending a command to turn on a binary switch?

Kind Regards

Hi @fogmajor

Yes you can, using traditional function nodes as an example.

const _nodeId = 25;             /* Target Node */
const _value = true;            /* Value */

const _valueId = {
    "commandClass": 37,         /* Binary Class */
    "endpoint": 0,              /* Target End point - The device might have 2 binary switches */
    "property": "targetValue",  /* Property */

const Message = {
    payload: {
        cmd: {
            api: 'VALUE',
            method: 'setValue'
        cmdProperties: {
            nodeId: _nodeId,
            valueId: _valueId,
            value: _value

return Message;

commandClass, endpoint, property -are the only requirements for a value ID
sometimes propertyKey - but not often.

the other bits are just metadata - so have omitted them

That's awesome thank you :grinning:
I would prefer to use a function


The factory just builds the above - using inputs from an upstream message.
but there is nothing stopping you doing it yourself.

as long as you have the correct message structure.

Hi Marcus
Works like a dream thank you

Hi Marcus
Yes I am getting my head round it, I have written a function and passed nodeid and value variables and it works well, just working on getting values now

Thank you

1 Like

A few users, just keep a context variable database of values - and update them, as and when the controller spits out an update in real time

This way, you can fetch any value in a function - without asking the controller.

You can get the entire values database also :grinning:

api = DRIVER
method = getValueDB

No need for cmdProperties for that one

It’s a big payload that gets returned - but is useful as a start up method in Node RED, you can then use it to create the context database - and update in real time as and when the controller sends an update (i.e from a sensor)

Values persists over reboots BTW - the driver stores them to disk, the values are updated (and alerts you) as they change via the device(s) sending an update

Hello again Marcus
Thank you for the last message.
In basic terms are you saying that at node-red startup you get the entire values database.
You then use context to assign the values, update when controller spits stuff out and then use those values to do as you wish?
Being newish scripting could you show me a function to get the entire values database please

You really have helped me understand the zwavejs funtionality



You can instead, keep a mirrored copy of the drivers values, within your flow (via context memory)

  1. Using an inject Node, trigger this at Node RED Start up.
const Message = {
    payload: {
        cmd: {
            api: 'DRIVER',
            method: 'getValueDB'
return Message;

This will return the complete value DB from the driver.
You can then use a change node to create a global variable, or use a function Node, to store the result


Later, you can refer to this database.

const zwaveValueDB = global.get('ZWAVE_V_DB')

You will need to engineer a mechanism / decide how you want to use the cached data set of course.
And also - update it, when the controller pushes out an update to you.

All this is just to skip the need to query the controller each time you want a value - but keeping an in process cached dataset, make things a littler easier.

see here for Context
Working with context : Node-RED

Hi Marcus

When running the function I get this back


