Add spacing between cards in the grid with CSS

For the life of me, I can't find a way to add spacing between the cards in the grid. I can add margin and get spacing between the app-bar and the navigation-drawer, but the cards are still touching. I've tried many variations of margin, gap, padding, .v-row and .v-col, but so far, no success.
Hopefully someone with more experience can get me on the right path.

Are the built in spacers not viable?

No, but I'll give you credit for getting me to the answer since you got me out of CSS and back into the Node-Red menu! My problem wasn't vertical spacing where a spacer would help, but that the group boundaries were literally touching. See my before and after pics. In the end, I'm going to attribute it to something in the conversion process from the original dashboard to Dashboard 2.0. My problem was on imported pages. I created a new page and moved everything over and it has proper spacing.
Thank you for taking a look and getting me out of the weeds!

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