Addon node red in home assistant don't launch- dashboard-2 flowfuse

j'ai un probleme pour afficher le dashboard 2.0 la version 1 connait aussi des plantages genre reseau. la version 2.0 connaissant une erreur "not found"

comme demande dans un gentil mail. j'ai fait des copies d'ecrans...
configuration du noeud switch

noeud ui-page:

noeud ui-group

le resultat en cliquant sur le bouton lance

le code json des deux noeuds !!!

        "id": "8c6cfb8150f71fcf",
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        "name": "onoff",
        "label": "switch",
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        "order": 1,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "passthru": false,
        "topic": "topic",
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        "offvalueType": "bool",
        "officon": "",
        "offcolor": "",
        "x": 150,
        "y": 100,
        "wires": [
        "id": "532439a5d380bd69",
        "type": "ui-group",
        "name": "chambre",
        "page": "b67c4e1d6ca20984",
        "width": "6",
        "height": "1",
        "order": 1,
        "showTitle": true,
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        "id": "b67c4e1d6ca20984",
        "type": "ui-page",
        "z": "8c9b96bba69d4fca",
        "name": "automatismes",
        "ui": "95b3bbb680401aa9",
        "path": "/chambre",
        "icon": "home",
        "layout": "grid",
        "theme": "8071e3f299b85fe3",
        "order": 1,
        "className": "",
        "visible": "true",
        "disabled": "false"
        "id": "95b3bbb680401aa9",
        "type": "ui-base",
        "name": "chambre",
        "path": "/dashboard",
        "includeClientData": true,
        "acceptsClientConfig": [
        "showPathInSidebar": false,
        "showPageTitle": true,
        "navigationStyle": "default",
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        "id": "8071e3f299b85fe3",
        "type": "ui-theme",
        "name": "theme clair",
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            "surface": "#ffffff",
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j'ai pensé que ca venait du reverse proxy.... mais je mets sur la box port externe 443 et interne 8123 celui de home assistant.

mais lorsque j'insere un noeud dashboard 1 j'ai un plantage pendant un quart d'heure

si j'ai pas la solution à ce bug , j'envoie les calculs à home assistant sous forme de input. je tiens à faire des automations un peu meilleures. mais je

We had someone else recently raise D2 Third party nodes do not appear - blocked due to forbidden MIME („text/html”) - #8 by arturv2000 which caught me by surprise too, as I thought the reverse proxy work was all fixed by us.

This would suggest it is not.

The /endpoint path you're using in the URL - where is that configured?

thank you for your answer !

I don't know where the endpoint is configured.

I tried to launch the url  
"erreur  404"

if I launch :

# 400 Bad Request

The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

I set the pat of the livebox to

port  externe : 443 
port  interne: 8123 
adresse  : 192.168.x.y

if, via the terminal, I run

~ # ls /homeassistant
None                      groups.yaml               scenes.yaml
appdaemon                 home-assistant.log        scripts.yaml
automations.yaml          home-assistant.log.1      secrets.yaml
blueprints                home-assistant.log.fault  themes
configuration.yaml        home-assistant_v2.db      tts
configuration.yaml.old    home-assistant_v2.db-shm  www
custom_components         home-assistant_v2.db-wal  zigbee.db
deps                      known_devices.yaml        zigbee2mqtt
esphome                   node-red
~ # ls /homeassistant/node-red
~ # ls /etc/node-red
ls: /etc/node-red: No such file or directory
~ # ls /etc/.node-red
ls: /etc/.node-red: No such file or directory
~ # 

i don't know in which folder / file.conf this /endpoint is configured. the node-red is version 4.0.2

i have tried to shutdown button ssl... and reboot nodered module.... And I enter 192.168.x.y:1880/endpoint/dashboard/chambre displayed the dashboard but no one widget inside !!!!

but every body can do every thing

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