Nodered dashboard d'ont launch!

good day for you

my problem

I had an old installation that I no longer use... so I deleted all the tabs. But I had to delete something that was wrong and the dashboard displays an infinite connection wait....

nodered version: v4.02 dashboard version: 3.6.5 
home assistant version :
    * Core 2024.7.2
    * Supervisor 2024.06.2
    * Operating System 12.4
    * Interface utilisateur 20240710.0

There aren't many home assistant users in here, have you asked in the HA forum?

yes i have also done
thank for your response

I sent my question to the hacf forum and apart from questions I don't understand about code tags !!!!

I refer here...

I'm on home assistant os. and have installed the addon

* node-red v4.02, 
*  home  assistant : 
* Core 2024.7.2
* Supervisor 2024.06.2
* Operating System 12.4
* Interface utilisateur 20240710.0

when I go to nodered I get the normal input interface. when I go to the palette to search for node-red-dashboard I get an "in use" button ????

theme: default
  username: ""
  password: ""
  username: ""
  password: ""
ssl: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
system_packages: []
  - node-red-dashboard
init_commands: []

by setting port 443 instead of an infinite wait I have

404 not found

by setting the 1880 port

type or paste code here
Échec de la connexion sécurisée

Une erreur est survenue pendant une connexion à PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

Code d’erreur : PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

    La page que vous essayez de consulter ne peut pas être affichée car l’authenticité des données reçues ne peut être vérifiée.
    Veuillez contacter les propriétaires du site web pour les informer de ce problème.

En savoir plus… 

I uninstalled, reinstalled nodered addon. I wish it would work. it's a powerful software. Of course, I restarted homeassistant.

and this day I have read this message on the documentation of the addon. what does it mean ?

While this add-on ships with Node-RED Dashboard, it currently does
not support accessing the dashboard via Ingress. This is a technical 
limitation on the Node-RED Dashboard end.

If you cannot access HTTP nodes or Node-RED Dashboard, please check if 
you have enabled direct access mode by setting a port number in 
"Network" configuration section of the add-on.

If you cannot access HTTP nodes or NodeRED Dashboard, please check if 
you URL starts with /endpoint/, or else Home Assistant authentication will 
kick in.

If the following error is seen after an update: WARNING (MainThread) 
[hassio.api.proxy] Unauthorized WebSocket access!. Please validate the 
configuration of the Home Assistant server setup in Node-RED. 
This can be found by double-clicking any Home Assistant node and selecting 
the pencil icon by the server name. The checkbox that states I use the 
Home Assistant Add-On should be checked.

I believe that you can do a normal install of node red, rather than using the plugin, and still use the HA nodes where necessary. Then we would be more likely to be able to help.

merci de la réponse.
mais est ce qu'il y a une procédure pour installer sur alpine linux. pour installer node red à coté de home assistant et que les deux echangent les appareils les entites, les topics mqtt

thanks for the answer. but is there a procedure to install on alpine linux. to install node red next to home assistant and have the two exchange devices, entities, mqtt topics.

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