I am using the wemo emulator to trigger Alexa to speak. The emulator allows me to create a virtual sensor, which is triggered by my voice command to alexa and then in return triggers alexa to output a certain text/status.
It works fine, but Alexa is "forgetting" the sensor. So after a while it does not show up in my Alexa app anymore. So the routines programmed are useless.
Any idea why? I am fine using another Alexa node-set, if available.
"id": "9eaa8043970cc501",
"type": "alexa-remote-routine",
"z": "6efebd3d726e36ec",
"name": "",
"account": "d361aae4a59c7376",
"routineNode": {
"type": "speak",
"payload": {
"type": "regular",
"text": {
"type": "msg",
"value": "payload"
"devices": [
"x": 740,
"y": 1980,
"wires": [
"id": "705589b012bbf679",
"type": "function",
"z": "6efebd3d726e36ec",
"name": "Speech writer",
"func": "msg.payload = \"Bla bla bla p.\";\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 460,
"y": 1980,
"wires": [
"id": "0bf1dff3839577f1",
"type": "wemo-emulator",
"z": "6efebd3d726e36ec",
"name": "status",
"friendlyName": "status",
"serial": "status",
"port": "20002",
"onTopic": "",
"onPayload": "",
"offTopic": "",
"offPayload": "",
"x": 190,
"y": 1980,
"wires": [
"id": "d361aae4a59c7376",
"type": "alexa-remote-account",
"name": "",
"authMethod": "proxy",
"proxyOwnIp": "",
"proxyPort": "3456",
"cookieFile": "/opt/iobroker/node_modules/node-red ",
"refreshInterval": "3",
"alexaServiceHost": "layla.amazon.de",
"amazonPage": "amazon.de",
"acceptLanguage": "de-DE",
"onKeywordInLanguage": "on",
"userAgent": "",
"useWsMqtt": "on",
"autoInit": "on"