CLP Rockwell_nó

Pode me ajudar, estou tentando realizar um projeto de Dashboard, mas estou com dificuldade para inserir o nó no projeto do CLP e posteriormente criar os TAGs para interação com o Node-RED

Have you tried node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip?

Here is a video and the flow to go with it

Sim, visualizei o vídeo e fiz download do nó.
Infelizmente no vídeo não encontrei o local que carrega o nó para o programa do CLP.

Sorry, my Spanish is not good (and this is primarily an English forum)

I know the video is about simulation BUT it shows you how to use the CIP Ethernet/IP node to communicate to a rockwell controller.

Did you try the flow?

Desculpe mas como faço para usar esse fluxo? O arquivo do fluxo deve ser usado no Node-RED correto?

You import the flow.

Node-red -> hamburger menu -> import.

Estou com duvida para inserir o nó no programa Rockwell, sabe me dizer qual a sub-pasta eu deveria carregar o arquivo npm install node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip

Use node-red menu -> pallet manager. Search for node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip, then click install.

How do I load the node developed in the rockwell PLC (in the program).

I need to load the node into the PLC program.

Nodes are not installed in the PLC. Nodes are loaded in node-red

.... which cpu are you using from the Rockwell family?

I am parking with the rslogix 5000 séries

So in the clp i don't need do configure insert any standard blocks or instructions to communicate Wirth the red node

cpu L32E

In the cpu of the plc it creates the global variables

In node-red install and configure the tcp-ip node for plc Rockwell.

In the node configure the variables you generated in the cpu of the Rs5K plc

Complete by inserting the connection to the dashboard type GaugeItaly02

you will get this


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Thank you very much for the instructions, I will configure my equipment to generate the data on node-red

Thank you very much for the instructions, I will configure my equipment

Olá @Fattore, vou responder esse post em inglês e português, mas recomendo muito a você utilizar somente inglês neste forum, assim facilita para que pessoas de outros países, que possuem as mesmas dúvidas, consigam encontrar soluções mais rápidamente. Como ambos comentaram, você não precisa instalar nada no seu CLP, somente tenha certeza de que ele está na rede, e pode ser acessado através da máquina que está executando o node-red. Em seguida, instale o nó node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip no seu Node-RED, clicando no menu superior, "Manage Pallet", em Seguida "Install" e então digite Ethernet-IP. Após instalar o nó basta arrastar o nó de input para a área de programação (Flow) e configurar o endereço ip do CLP, juntamente com as variáveis que deseja ler. Recomendo utilizar um nó de debug em seguida, para visualizar o que está sendo lido.
Espero ter ajudado! Este módulo foi desenvolvido por nós da Smart-Tech aqui no Brasil, e é muito utilizado no mundo todo :slight_smile: . Se precisar de ajuda pode contar conosco.

Hi @Fattore, I'll answer your question in english and Portuguese, but I strongly recommend you to try using English only here, since your question can help other people in the future
As both commented above, you don´t need to install anything in you PLC, just make sure it is accessible in the same network as your Node-RED machine. After that install the node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip node by clicking in the Hamburger menu then Manage pallet, then install and then type Ethernet-IP. After the installation of the node, just drag the input node to the flow area, configure the IP address and the tags you want to read. I recommend you to use the debug node after the input, so that you can see what is coming from the PLC.
Hope I could help somehow. This node was developed by Smart-Tech here in Brazil and is largely used by people all arround the world :slight_smile:, if you need any help we are happy to support you


Thank you very much for the guidance, the module you created is incredible. I'm learning the tools and I have many doubts kkk.

@machadotiago, sorry to jump on this topic (and I will start a new thread if this goes further than a simple yes no answer).

Regarding node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip, have you ever used this for communicating to none AB/ROCKWELL? I use a lot of omron and would like to have the option of EIP but I could never get it to work.
