Configuration Node without Edit-Button

I have some custom nodes implemented and I have a problem with node-red configuration node on Linux. The Edit-Button next to the dropdown (see the picture below) is missing at the first load of the node. If I click within the editor (random), restart node-red, etc., then the Edit-Button appears.
Will someone please tell me why is this behavior at the first load?

On Windows there are not such problems, no matter which version of node-red / NodeJS:

I have on Linux node-red v0.20.5 and NodeJS v8.16.2.
Thank you in advance!

Do you mean that you are using the browser on Linux? Or just that you are running Node-RED on Linux?

What browser are you using and are there any errors/warnings in the browser's developer console?

I am using Firefox on Linux and there are no errors/warnings in the browser's developer console.

Hi @stamer

Just to check I understand - when you first open the editor in Firefox and edit a node, the button is missing. But when you click anywhere in the edit dialog the button just appears?

I have never seen the behaviour you describe. When it is missing, is there a gap in the UI for where it should be? Or does the select box next to it take up the full width? Can you capture a screenshot with it missing?

Have you tried any other browser on linux?

Hi Nick,
thank you for reply.
No other browser shows the Edit-Button at the first load.

Sorry, can you clarify this sentence as I can read it to mean either:

  1. "no browsers show the edit-button at the first load"
  2. "no, other browsers do show the edit-button at the first load"

It is interesting to see the Connection field is a plain <input> and has not yet been replaced by the <select> box. That is useful to know as it means a particular bit of code has not yet run (rather than it being a browser-specific visual issue).

Are you absolutely sure there are no errors in the browser console?

Does your custom node have its own oneditprepare function? If so, what does it do?

Yes, I can clarify the sentence: "no browsers show the edit-button at the first load".
Yes, the Connector field is a plain <input> and has not yet been replaced by the <select> box.

Yes, no errors were in the browser console.

My custom node have its own oneditprepare function, as well in light node, as in connector config node.

oneditprepare- config node -> there is the code to register a client.

Once again thank you for your support! :slight_smile: