Dashboard 2.0 gauge question on the TYPE

Sorry, stuck at the start.

Looking at the docs (via the button on the right)

Type half | 3/4
    Defines the shape of the gauge, "Tile", "Battery", "Water Tank", "Half Gauge" or "3/4 Gauge".

I stuck a change node and set the Type to Battery, sent a message into the gauge, but nothing happens.

Only if I open the gauge node and select Battery does it work.

Where's the elephant I'm missing?


Which of the two should I use?

The Classic or the new one? gauge or classic gauge
(As there are two listed in the dashboard 2 list)

The type property is not dynamic, if it was this chart would have a tick under the dynamic column. Gauge ui-gauge | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

That would be a personnel choice. but I would say which ever suits your purpose better.

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Silly me.

I took that as something I could set in the message.


I'll keep digging and see how big a hole I can dig for myself.

I thought that you were using UIBuilder?

(This is a whole new thing. Just dashboard 2.0 for now.)

Life is complicated.

Sorry and thanks.

As this is really a new topic I have split it off to its own thread
4 posts were split to a new topic: Reseting Gauge node

Dynamic properties for Gauge is being built as we speak, and should be published/available this week

I think I got/am confused with what does what.

But I guess that feature has been requested by others too, so: Good. :slight_smile:

If you're using a gauge and always want it to render as a "Battery" then you can just select it from the dropdown in the node's configuration, and it'll work fine.

If however, you want to change the type of the gauge between different types depending on some other event/action, then you need the dynamic properties (not yet supported)

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It was (I think) a choice paradox overload for me when I was reading (or trying to) the docs for the node.

Yep, it's a good point. We could make the clearer

I am also thrown with the decimal places value and scale bits.
(See my other thread about the scale)

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