Dashboard 2.0 ui_chart ui_update


This code does not work, neither ymax, xmin nor label are changed.
What is the correct solution?

Welcome to the forum @lbarjak

Feed the function into a debug node set to Output Complete Message and show us what it says.

Hello Colin,

topic: "BBB"
payload: 150
_topic: "data"
_msgid: "8b9245b2a399b5b6"
ymin: 0
ymax: 300
state: "BBB"
ui_update: object
 options: object
  scales: object
   y: object
    min: 0
    max: 300
  label: "something"

I don't think the chart accepts dynamic properties for those values (not yet anyway). I don't see it mentioned in the node's help text or the documentation.

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No indeed nothing in the code of the ui-chart node to support dynamic properties.

Personally I wouldn't add to much new features to the ui-chart node now, because that will make it even more difficult to migrate from ChartJs to Echarts (see this issue). Even now, such a refactoring will be not an easy job...

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Fooled by AI :slight_smile:

It is always worth checking the docs when something doesn't work as expected.

As a last resort, yes.

Has it occurred to you that by asking here rather than checking the docs yourself you wasted my time checking the docs for you and @BartButenaers' time checking the code?

Yes, I was joking. Thanks for your help.

My conclusion:
I have had good experience with the svgjs library in other areas, so I will use it for the diagrams.

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