DashBoard not shows graphic

I am a new user and need help.

I created a flow that has a graphic but when I’m on the preview page it appears blank showing nothing. Not even when the layout is muted is there any difference.

Thank you for your support.

Can you provide a bit more of a clue as to what you have done to get to this situation ? can you share some of the flow so we can re-create ? Where is this graphic going to show ? How are you adding it ? Not sure what you mean by preview as it’s either running or not.

I just done the ‘Introduction to the dashboard nodes from node-red-dashboard’ from this web page: http://developers.sensetecnic.com/article/a-node-red-dashboard-using-node-red-dashboard/.

It is possible to clear the instalation and make a new one for dashboard?

So you want to restart Node-RED with a clean/empty flow ?
Or you have a flow but it’s not working ?

I have one that never works.

What platform/operating system are you running on ? When you say never works… Node-RED itself never works ? or the Dashboard with the gauges etc never works ?

The operating system is windows 10 Pro N 64 bits. The node red is working because I can see the results in the debug. just on http://localhost:1880/ui i can not see nothing. It’s just a blank page.

Did the Dashboard install OK - are the nodes in the palette on the left ?
And you have added some to the flow and configured them in some way (no red triangles) and hit deploy ?
In the dashboard tab on the right there is a link button (the square the the arrow leaving it on the right) - that should link you directly to the dashboard.

Where in this chain does it fail for you ?


There is no red triangles. Depoyed OK. and click on the link button.

Beu the page is empty:

check that you only have one of the nodes with “dashboard” in the name installed as they interfere with each other. The “official” one is node-red-dashboard

I have node-red-dashboard and node-shri-dashboard. I have to uninstall node-shri-dashboard?

Well you need to uninstall one of them and I’d suggest keeping node-red-dashboard.

You will then need to restart node-red.

Yes the shri dashboard is an old clone of the main dashboard project that will conflict with the main one, so needs to be removed.