Debug messages disappear after 1hr

I have a situation that I only found reference to about 4 years ago so hopefully this might be re-addressed.
I've had 6 flows running on Node Red Dashboard flawlessly four about 2 years. I wanted to duplicate a flow for a bench test of the hardware associated with one of the flows. I created an additional flow, similar to the original changing the names of some nodes to keep things orderly. The flow reads a sensor running with an esp8266, reporting 2 numbers via an mqtt broker to a dashboard To keep the flow from interfering with the original, I disabled the output to the dashboard and enabled an output to the debug node. With the debug nodes enabled, after reseting the esp8266 I indeed got the debug messages on the side panel. After the readings are sent, the esp8266 then goes into a deep sleep mode to conserve battery power. After ~1 hour it wakes and repeats the cycle. But just before the end of the speep cycle, the debug messages it sent disappear. Since they report date and time, I really hoped I could keep a running log to determine battery longevity. Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks

There is a limited space where the debug messages are stored.

I have/had a similar problem.

I have the debug set to show current flow only and sometimes I would see the messages slowly vanishing.

I was told that is because there is limited space for the messages.

See this thread:

Thanks for the Reply Andrew, in my case there's only one (2 item) debug post...

So no other debug nodes anywhere else - active?

(just checking)

If you have the debug selected in the edit screen there are 3 options.

Which of these do you have?

(again, just asking.)

Configure the debug node to Output to Console, then it will also go to the node-red log. Assuming you are using a debian based system (such as ubuntu or pi) and installed using the recommended script then you can see the node red log since the last boot using
journalctl -b -u nodered
or you can see the last 100 lines using
journalctl -n 100 -u nodered

Well I hardly know what to say. I shut everything (Node Red, VS Code, and Pi term all watching the flow of data, and the test ESP) down to retire for the night. This am I brought it all back up, and I don't see the problem. But I do like your idea Colin of outputing to the console. Seems like a better way to store thank guys for the help!

There is also node-red-contrib-flogger which can be very useful for this sort of situation.

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